Experts in: Canada
BLAIN, Marie-Jeanne
Professeure associée
- Immigration
- Canada (Québec)
- Occupational health and safety
- Collaborative research
- Identities
- Migration policies
- Applied anthropology
- Social anthropology
- Migration
- Transnationalism
- Intercultural cities
- Diversity
- Ethnicity
- Globalization
- Cultural and social anthropology
- Anthropology of health
- Access to justice
- Ethnographic approach
BOUSQUET, Marie-Pierre
Professeure titulaire
BURKE, Adrian L.
Professeur titulaire
Professeur émérite
COOK, Katherine
Professeure agrégée
- Archaeology
- Public archaeology
- Digital archaeology
- Identities
- Archaeological heritage
- Contemporary past
- Collaborative research
- Canada
- Canada (Québec)
- Modern Times
- Caribbean
- Europe
I am an anthropological archaeologist, specializing in an eclectic mix of digital technology, transatlantic history and public heritage. My research explores the material manifestations of heritage, reconstructing social memory and material history, particularly in the transatlantic worlds of the UK, Barbados, and Canada.
Follow my projects (past and present) in digital archaeology, education (HigherEd & public), and creative practice.
Chercheur invité
Professeur titulaire
- The imaginary
- Urban studies
- Popular culture (suburban, design, branding, irony, recycling)
- Rome
- Italy
- The Classic World (Mesopotamia, The Mediterranean)
- Northwest Aboriginal Peoples
- West Coast Indigenous peoples
- Indigenous peoples of the Plateau
- Indigenous peoples of the North American Southwest
- Canada
- Antiquity
- Cultural and social anthropology
- Social anthropology
- Microwear analysis
- Modern Times
- Greco-Roman antiquity
Professeur titulaire