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/ Département d'anthropologie

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Agnieszka Pasieka


Professeure adjointe

Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département d'anthropologie

Pavillon 3200, rue Jean-Brillant office C-3110

Travail 1 : 514 343-6111 #1262

Areas of Expertise

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(2024) Living right: Politics, morality and youth far-right militancy in contemporary EuropePrinceton University Press.

(2015) Hierarchy and Pluralism: Living Religious Difference in Catholic Poland. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Articles sélectionnés

(2024) “Transnational nationalists: far-right encounters in Central Europe.” Ethnologia Europea 

(2023) “Illiberal revolts: On Grassroots Theorizing and Practicing of Illiberalism,” In: M. Laruelle (ed.) Oxford Handbook on Illiberalism. Oxford University Press (with David Petruccelli)

(2023) “Swimming against the tide: Right-wing populism, postsocialism and beyond” in: J. Buzalka and A. Pasieka (eds.) Anthropology of transformation. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.

(2022) “Theft of Gramsci? On radical right, radical left, and common sense.” Dialectical Anthropology 46: 417–436.

(2022) “’Tomorrow belongs to us’: pathways to activism in far-right youth communities.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 64(1): 150-178.

(2021) “Making an ethnic group. The minority question in the Second Polish Republic.” European History Quarterly 51(3): 386-410.

(2021) “Postsocialist and postcapitalist questions? Far-right historical narratives and the making of a new Europe.” East European Politics and Societies 35(4): 975-995.

(2021) “Are we all extremists now?” in: G. Loperfido (ed.) Extremism, State, and Society. London: Berghahn.

(2020) “In search of a cure? Youth far-right activism and the making of a new Europe.” Research in Political Sociology 27: 85-102.

(2019) “Anthropology of the far right: What if we like the ‘unlikeable’ others?” Anthropology Today, 35(1): 3-6.

(2017) “Taking far-right claims seriously and literally: anthropology and the study of right-wing radicalism.” Slavic Review, 76: S1, 19-29.

(2016) “Re-enacting Ethnic Cleansing: People’s History and Elitist Nationalism in Contemporary Poland.” Nations and Nationalism, 22:1, 63-83.

(2016) “Religious Pluralism and Lived Religion,” in: A. Bardon, M. Birnbaum, L. Lee and K. Stoeckl (eds) Religious Pluralism: A Resource Book. San Domenico di Fiesole (Florence): European University Institute, 40-45.

(2015) “Conflict and Coexistence of Church and State Authorities in (Post)Communist Poland,” in T. Ngo and J. Quijada (eds) Atheist Secularism and Its Discontents: A Comparative Study of Religion and Communism in Eurasia. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 70-91.

(2014) “Local Scholars, Global Experts: From a Native’s Point of View.” Cargo: Journal for Cultural/Social Anthropology, 12:1-2, 51-62.

(2014) “Neighbors: About the Multiculturalization of the Polish Past.” East European Societies and Politics, 28:1, 225-251.

(2013) “Researching the Dominant Religion: Anthropology at Home and Methodological Catholicism.” Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 25: 53-77 (with K. Sekerdej),

(2012) “Resurrected Pigs, Dyed Foxes, and Beloved Cows: Religious Diversity and Nostalgia for Socialism in Rural Poland.” Journal of Rural Studies, 28:2, 72-80.

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