Expertises de recherche
Le Département d’anthropologie est le seul au Québec à couvrir les 4 sous-disciplines de l’anthropologie, soit la bioanthropologie, l’ethnologie, l’anthropologie linguistique et l’archéologie. Il cumule une longue tradition d'excellence dans ces domaines.
Chaque professeur offre un ou plusieurs cours de ces spécialités géographiques et thématiques. Pour la liste complète de nos experts, consultez le répertoire du Département d’anthropologie.
- Access to justice 2
- Adaptation 2
- Africa 4
- Algonquins and Anicinabek 1
- Americas 3
- Analysis of stories 2
- Ancient Mesoamerica 3
- Anthropocene 1
- Anthropology of health 5
- Anthropology of North Africa and the Middle East 1
- Antiquity 1
- Applied anthropology 2
- Arab world 1
- Archaeological heritage 3
- Archaeology 5
- Archaeozoology 2
- Archeo-science 1
- Australopithecus 1
- Canada 12
- Caribbean 2
- Ceramic technology 1
- Ceramics 2
- Chimpanzees 1
- China 1
- Collaborative research 4
- Communication interculturelle 2
- Congo, the Democratic Republic of the 1
- Contemporary Algonquian societies 1
- Contemporary past 2
- Contemporary religions and spirituality 1
- Costa Rica 2
- Cultural and social anthropology 6
- Cultural area of Northeastern North America 1
- Cultural politics 1
- Identities 8
- Immigration 6
- India 3
- Indigenous cosmologies 1
- Indigenous people 5
- Indigenous peoples of the North American Southwest 1
- Indigenous peoples of the Plateau 1
- Infant care 1
- Infant development 1
- Infant nutrition 1
- Infants 1
- Intercultural cities 2
- Iroquoian archaeology 2
- Islamophobia 1
- Italy 3
- Japan 1
- Palaeolithic 2
- Paleoanthropology 3
- Paleoclimatic modelling 1
- Past populations 1
- Peru 3
- Political anthropology 4
- Political ecology 1
- Political power 1
- Popular culture 1
- Popular culture (suburban, design, branding, irony, recycling) 1
- Popular music 1
- Power 1
- Prehistoric archaeology 5
- Prehistory 1
- Prehistory and contact 4
- Prehistory and Protohistory 8
- Primatology 2
- Public archaeology 1