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/ Department of Anthropology

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Financial support

There are many scholarships and grants available for students. The options and conditions are outlined below. For many of the scholarships, the Department screens candidates. You will be informed through your address if you have been awarded financial assistance.

The great majority of scholarships are listed in one place (in French), but the main ones relating to anthropology are described below.




The Department of Anthropology offers the following scholarships, but graduate students are also eligible for many others (in French).

Departmental scholarships

Description :

Scholarship for a student starting a master's degree ($3,000), and a PhD ($5,000), in the Department.

This scholarship is not necessarily recurrent, as it is conditional on the University allocating the required funds every year.

Criteria :

Excellent academic results.

Deadline :

Apply for admission by the deadline (master'sPhD).

No other application is necessary. You will be notified through your address, if applicable.

Information :

Department administration
514 343-6560

Description :

Every year, the Department of Anthropology awards scholarships to exceptional students to help them continue their studies at the graduate levels.

Eligibility criteria :

Excellent academic results.

Information :

Department administration
514 343-6560

Description :

Competition for reimbursement of conference and symposium fees for graduate students.

Eligibility criteria :
  • Enrolled in the PhD or Master's in Anthropology at the time of application and during the trip for which financial assistance is requested (students who have suspended their studies are not eligible).
  • Attend a scientific conference and submit a research paper there.
  • Provide proof that the paper was submitted or accepted.
  • Be supported by the student's thesis supervisor.

Faculty of Arts and Science scholarships

Description :

A $5,000 scholarship for students with exceptional academic records and who accept an offer of admission to a Université de Montréal Faculty of Arts and Science graduate program.

Students do not need to apply. The departments and schools select candidates to be submitted for approval to the Faculty of Arts and Science.

Sector :

Social sciences and psychology

Description :

This fund was created in 2003 by the Standard Life Assurance Company of Canada as a tribute to Édouard Montpetit, a lawyer and economist who held a variety of positions at the Université de Montréal, including Secretary General and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

The Édouard-Montpetit-Standard Life Scholarship is a merit scholarship intended to salute the academic achievements of Master's or PhD studentsin the social sciences and psychology sector of the Université de Montréal Faculty of Arts and Science.

Eligibility criteria :

Master's level

  • Enrolled full-time in the Master's program in fall 2015.
  • At least 2 terms in the program completed at the time of application, following the specified path.
  • A GPA of at least 3.8.
  • Enrolled in one of the following units: Anthropology, Library and Information Sciences, Communication, Criminology, Demographics, Psychoeducation Psychology, Psychology, Industrial Relations, Political Science, Economics, Social Work, Sociology or the MA in International Studies.

PhD level

  • Enrolled full-time in the PhD program in fall 2015.
  • At least 2 and at most 9 terms completed in a PhD program at the time of application, following the specified path.
  • A GPA of at least 3.8.
  • Enrolled in one of the following units: Anthropology, Library and Information Sciences, Communication, Criminology, Demographics, Psychoeducation, Psychology, Industrial Relations, Political Science, Economics, Social Work, Sociology or the PhD in Applied Humanities.
Application deadline :

May 28, 2015

Application :

The application (1 original and 4 copies) must include:

  1. A cover letter in which you describe your achievements relating to your field of scientific education or career development and explain why you believe you deserve the scholarship (maximum 500 words).
    In the letter you must state where you are in your Master's-level studies (number of terms of coursework and thesis preparation, steps completed) and your planned work schedule. You must mention your achievements showing your aptitudes and competencies relating to your proposed research and career aspirations. In addition to experiences related directly to your field of study and research, you may mention significant accomplishments in other fields (sports, arts, community, etc.) and explain how they contribute to making you a better candidate for the scholarship.

  2. A description of your research project or career development project (maximum 500 words).

  3. A letter of recommendation from your thesis supervisor or the professor responsible for your career development project, preferably in French (maximum 500 words).

  4. A letter of reference from the Department's Chair (maximum 500 words).

  5. Your undergraduate and Master's (and PhD, if applicable) transcripts. You must submit originals, with the exception of those for diplomas from the Université de Montréal. The Department will add the transcript for the winter term.

Scholarships for Master’s students and disciplinary PhD students in museology

Description :

Master's or PhD students from:

  • the Department of Anthropology
  • the Department of Biological Sciences
  • the Department of Art History and Film Studies
  • the School of Library and Information Sciences

... are invited to consult these scholarships (in French).

Awards from other organizations


Other forms of financial support

If you are a Master's or PhD student, you may finance your studies by taking on a position as a teaching or research assistant or a lecturer.

Under the collective agreement between the Université de Montréal and the Syndicat des étudiants et étudiantes employé(e)s de l'Université de Montréal (SÉÉEUM), eligible students must apply for positions posted by the Department (in French).

Teaching assistant

A teaching assistant (TA) is a Université de Montréal student, full time at the undergraduate level or generally full time at the graduate level, who assists a professor or lecturer in supporting and supervising students.

TAs invigilate exams, correct assignments and exams, provide help with documentation, monitor students, perform demonstrations, assist or supervise training periods, supervise assignments and lead seminars.

Research assistant

A research assistant is a Université de Montréal student, full time at the undergraduate level or generally full time at the graduate level, hired to assist professors and researchers with research work.


A person hired part-time by the University to deliver class lectures. Duties include preparing and teaching courses according to different pedagogical methods and formulas, updating course content, preparing teaching materials according to the pedagogical methods and formulas used, evaluating students' performance, including, if applicable, revising student evaluations and preparing and correcting deferred examinations, and availability or supervision relating to course preparation and delivery.

Working and studying

Students have access to an employment assistance service (in French). Find out more about job offers in your field of study, potential employers and the tools you need to search for a job that meets your needs.